Stability for Offshore ships Classroom and practice
27 Aug - 28 Aug 2024 - NMK Roald Amundsen 5.etg. (midtskipet)This course focus on the stability of offshore vessels in marine operations and provide training for ship masters/1st officers in stability theory and using a loading calculator to calculate the vessels stability performance. The instructor will lead the participants through one topic accompanying practical training doing stability analysis while using a loading calculator, before continuing to the next topic.
Main topics:
- Terminology
- Initial stability
- Effect of free surface
- Stability at large inclination angles
- Dynamic stability
- Damage stability
- Heavy lifts (A-frame and crane)
- Anchor handling
- Operation of roll reduction tanks
- Stability for offshore vessels in general.
- Create a conscious attitude towards the stability challenges related to marine operations.
- Increased ability to evaluate the stability of a vessel in a marine operation.
- Guidance and training in practical use of a loading calculator.
The course cover the rules and regulations for intact and damage stability as described in IMO Res. A 749 (18) (for intact stability) and IMO Res. MSC.235(82) (for damage stability)
Navigators, Stability Officers, Maritime Leaders

Ship Operation
Number of seats Available seats Price Duration Course language Course form
10 0 9100 NOK 2 Dag(er) Norwegian Classroom and practice
Contact person
Robin Dalstrøm Nilsen