Elkraftsystem for Maskinoffiserer (High Voltage Training) Classroom and Online Course
12 May - 13 May 2025 - Fagskolebygget, U15 (underetasje)In Norwegian: Elkraftsystem for Maskinoffiserer (Høgspentkurs).
The course is held in Norwegian, because of the Norwegian Maritime Authority's claims to Norwegian sailors. Follow this link for further information:
If you are an Engineer and want to attend this Course, you can signing up by choosing the enroll-button beside the Course date. (Status: "waiting list" - the course is full and you can join the waiting list, or find another suitable date.
When booked on the Course, you will receive a confirmation on e-mail with your unique link. Follow the link an you will get access to the 8 Home-Exercises, and Background Documents. (This link will function as your personal Log in, so use this link every time you want to Log in!)
Furthermore, will send you a separate e-mail with Username and Password to use for Log in to complete the two e-learning courses from Trainor. (The FSE-modules will not be ordered before you have a confirmed spot on a Course.)
Work on exercise in the evening may be required. Excercises will be handed out by the Course Instructor.
Main topics
Course at NTNU i Aalesund, 50 hours.
- Revision of electrical system on ships, Low- and High Voltage
- Reviewing the 8 Home-Exercises
- Theory Exercises
- Lab tasks in the High Voltage-Lab
- STCW's definition of High Voltage is maintained; 1000 volts AC and/or 1000 volts direct current (AC/DC).
- Final test / Theory Examination
- Final test Lab / practical exam
- Work with with teoretical tasks in the evening
Preparatory Course: 20 hours.
In total: 70 hours.
Preparatory Course embrace 20 hours.
It's preferable to complete the exercises in the order below:
- E-learning: FSE Ship – Low- and High Voltage, aprox. 6 hours and 40 minutes
- E-learning: FSE Ship – Tasks (STCW 2010), aprox. 3 hours and 30 minutes
- 8 Home-Excercises (NTNUiÅ-MO) – to be delivered online (ref. your unique link), aprox. 10 hours
It is recommended to complete the FSE-modules before answering the 8 Home-Excercises. Well in advance before the course starts, Maritime Operations (NTNUiÅ) orders the FSE-modules from Trainor.
The Course is completed with an exam.