Elkraftsystem for Maskinoffiserer (High Voltage Training) Classroom and Online Course

12 May - 13 May 2025  - Fagskolebygget, U15 (underetasje)

In Norwegian: Elkraftsystem for Maskinoffiserer (Høgspentkurs).

The course is held in Norwegian, because of the Norwegian Maritime Authority's claims to Norwegian sailors. Follow this link for further information:

If you are an Engineer and want to attend this Course, you can signing up by choosing the enroll-button beside the Course date. (Status: "waiting list" - the course is full and you can join the waiting list, or find another suitable date.

When booked on the Course, you will receive a confirmation on e-mail with your unique link. Follow the link an you will get access to the 8 Home-Exercises, and Background Documents. (This link will function as your personal Log in, so use this link every time you want to Log in!)

Furthermore, will send you a separate e-mail with Username and Password to use for Log in to complete the two e-learning courses from Trainor. (The FSE-modules will not be ordered before you have a confirmed spot on a Course.)

Work on exercise in the evening may be required. Excercises will be handed out by the Course Instructor.

Main topics

Course at NTNU i Aalesund, 50 hours.

  • Revision of electrical system on ships, Low- and High Voltage
  • Reviewing the 8 Home-Exercises
  • Theory Exercises
  • Lab tasks in the High Voltage-Lab
  • STCW's definition of High Voltage is maintained; 1000 volts AC and/or 1000 volts direct current (AC/DC).
  • Final test / Theory Examination
  • Final test Lab / practical exam
  • Work with with teoretical tasks in the evening

Preparatory Course: 20 hours.
In total: 70 hours.



Preparatory Course embrace 20 hours.
It's preferable to complete the exercises in the order below:

  • E-learning: FSE Ship – Low- and High Voltage, aprox. 6 hours and 40 minutes
  • E-learning: FSE Ship – Tasks (STCW 2010), aprox. 3 hours and 30 minutes
  • 8 Home-Excercises (NTNUiÅ-MO) – to be delivered online (ref. your unique link), aprox. 10 hours

It is recommended to complete the FSE-modules before answering the 8 Home-Excercises. Well in advance before the course starts, Maritime Operations (NTNUiÅ) orders the FSE-modules from Trainor.



The Course is completed with an exam.

Elkraftsystem for Maskinoffiserer (High Voltage Training) cover image


Training for Ships Engineers


Number of seats Available seats Price Duration Course language Course form
8 3 29400 NOK 5 Dag(er) Norwegian Classroom and Online Course

Contact person

John-Rune Lillebø