Experiment design and data analysis Classroom and practice

NTNU har fått midler for å tilby gratis etter- og videreutdanning til de som har blitt permitterte eller arbeidsledige som følge av korona-pandemien. For kandidater som ikke oppfyller kravene, påløper ordinær kursavgift.


Through the course the students will get acquainted with the lab facilities, especially with the towing tank, machinery lab and mechatronics lab. They will learn how to design an experiment, develop a measurement procedure and extract relevant information from the collected data.


  • Experiment design/setup
  • Measurement technology/sensor technology
  • Data collecting and processing
  • Stochastic methods
  • Time series analysis
  • Sensor fusion
  • Presenting results


After this course the student will:

  • Have basic knowledge on measurement technology
  • Know how to design experiments
  • Have knowledge on data analysis methods
  • Know how to use computational methods and stochastic methods


Skills: After completing this course, the student will be able to plan and conduct experiment in the lab and in the field. This includes data collection, data analysis and results reporting.
General Competence: After this course the student will have basic knowledge, practical experience to conduct experimental work and general problem solving skills in experimental work.


Engineering degree


Personnel employed in technical, engineering, development, R&D and similar departmentsLectures, exercises and examples from real applications will be provided in the course. There will be individual mandatory assignments and exam project. The topic of this project will be related to the individual student’s specialization within the study program.  

Experiment design and data analysis


Technology and Engineering


Price Duration Course language Course form
10250 NOK 26 Dag(er) Norwegian Classroom and practice